Pet Red Light Therapy

Unlock the Healing Power of Red Light Therapy for Your Pets

Welcome to Photizo, where we’re committed to enhancing your pet’s health and wellness through innovative red light therapy.Whether you’re tackling acute injuries, managing chronic conditions, or seeking preventative care, our red light therapy devices offer a non-invasive, drug-free solution to support your pet’s healing and well-being.

Empower Your Pets Well-being

Discover the power of red light therapy to transform your approach to health:

Pain Management

Watching a pet suffer from pain can be heart-wrenching. Photizo offers a compassionate solution to pain management that’s both effective and non-invasive. Our red light therapy devices are specifically designed to address and alleviate various forms of pain, from acute injuries to chronic conditions, ensuring your pet can enjoy a comfortable, pain-free life.

Reduces Inflammation & Swelling

Inflammation and swelling are signs your pet’s body is trying to heal. However, prolonged inflammation can lead to discomfort and slow the healing process. Photizo’s red light therapy offers a natural, effective way to combat these symptoms, promoting faster recovery and improving your pet’s comfort.

Boosts Immune System

A strong immune system is vital for your pet’s health, helping to protect them from illnesses and infections. Photizo red light therapy supports the immune system by enhancing cellular function and promoting overall well-being.

Arthritis Support

Arthritis can severely affect your pet’s mobility and quality of life. Photizo’s red light therapy provides a gentle, effective solution for alleviating arthritis pain, helping to restore your pet’s mobility and ensuring they can continue to enjoy their favorite activities.

"So far so good, my yellow lab is three weeks out of tearing his ccl and I apply the therapy two times a day and his mobility seems much better day by day."

James E Pepper Sr

"With a partial CCL tear , we wanted to try to help our pup at home before committing to surgery. With a lower calorie diet to help her lose weight we were having some success, but she has benefited from the Photizo Vetcare so much. She never lays on her back , but the moment we pull out the Vetcare she goes belly up and puts her leg forward. This was a very good investment! (We also found it useful for our other dogs skin issues). Highly recommend this product. "

Ashley Malewski

"I would recommend this to anyone dealing with a dog in pain. I have been using it for a few weeks with wonderful results. I bought it to use with treatments with our vet. The customer service has been awesome from ordering to delivery. Great product and great customer service!!!!!!"

Debra Campos

"Within a couple days after starting to use it, my cat was up and at it again. I am so happy I ended up purchasing it to help keep her comfortable as she ages. It is so simple to use, and I swear she knows how much better it makes her feel."

Jennifer Hauth

"I bought this laser for my dog. I treated him w/the laser for 10 days straight. I am please w/the results. He appears to be walking faster w/greater ease. I would recommend the laser to others."

Rebecca Knaster

Your Journey to Improved Health Starts Here

Embark on a journey toward better health for your pets with Photizo.
Dive deeper into each benefit and discover the perfect red light therapy solution
for your furry friend today.

Photizo VetCare – Red Light Therapy for Animals

Original price was: $425.00.Current price is: $398.00.